author: calum chace

The Internet Consumer Bible

Tess Read, Calum Chace, Simon Rowe. Obviously the internet is a different ... paper version, a personal office (including email, calendar, address book ... towns and cities, or through links from news. Also worth trying would be emedial ...

The Future of Business: Critical Insights into a Rapidly Changing World from 60 Future Thinkers

... Exponential Organizations (ExO) – As technology grows exponentially (for example the doubling of computer power every 18-24 months), the linear business modelis failing to adapt quickly enough. By utilizing new organizational techniques ...

Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities

... Skylake model, and the next size down will be the 10-nanometre Cannonlake, due in late 2017, a 6- month delay. Since ... laptop containing the Canonlake chip, saying 'I've heard the death of Moore's law more times than anything else in ...

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