author: kyran dale

Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore & Transform Your Data

... tests fail. Let's change our winner name check from Marie Curie to another wellknown prize winner: expect(result[0].name).toBe('Albert Einstein'); Running the tests now gives Figure A3, with the name failure and a stack trace ...

Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript

... CSS grid layout, but I would recommend focusing your initial energies on the flex display—it represents the best return on your learning investment in CSS right now. For further examples, see the CSS-Tricks article on flex-boxes and ...

Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript

... Python and JavaScript, cheat sheet for, 49 version 3, 3 Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP), version 8, 15 python-js-viz directory, 5. Q. Qt console IPython, 244 quantitative scales, 417 linear, 417 types of, 418 querying databases. R.

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