author: malcolm guthrie

Forms: Interactivity for the World Wide Web : Creating HTML and PDF Form Documents

... year to an acceptable number of digits . Finally , on line five , the new year value is placed in our date by calling the setYear ( ) member function . The last line of this script formats and prints the value in our " d " variable . We ...

On Mr. Spencer's Unification of Knowledge

Malcolm Guthrie. § 13. Simulations of Unification . This review of Mr. Spencer's methods for the unification of knowledge would not be complete without a notice of several simulations of unification which present themselves throughout ...

On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics

... Spencer propounds morality or ethics as a matter for scientific study , only to be understood or explained as part of ... Spencer's method in the treatment of his subject as distinguished from that followed by Mr. Leslie Stephen in his ...

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