category: juvenile fiction

Jack's Black Book: A Jack Henry Adventure

... the lottery . No , being a writer is not a career choice . It's a hobby , something you do after work . What you need for a career is a skill , and I think woodworking is a good place to begin . So I don't want to hear any more about it ...

Searching for Dragons

With the aid of King Mandanbar, Princess Cimorene rescues the dragon Kazul and saves the Enchanted Forest from a band of wicked wizards.

Dealing With Dragons

Bored with traditional palace life, Princess Cimorene goes off to live with a group of dragons and soon becomes involved in fighting against some disreputable wizards who want to steal away the dragons' kingdom.

The Little Mermaid

When she falls in love with a prince, the little mermaid persuades a sea witch to replace her tail with legs so she can live on land. But the price demanded by the wicked sea witch is great: the mermaid's beautiful voice . . .

This Is Not A Fairy Tale

A sequel to the acclaimed This Is Not A Bedtime Story by rising stars Will Mabbitt and Fred Blunt.

Stories of Rotten Rascals: Contains 30 classic tales

This collection is inspired by Enid Blyton's A Book of Naughty Children, first published in 1944.

Jardin De Eve - Garden of Eve Spanish

... No dijo Dios? 'No es bueno que el hombre estĂ© solo. Lo harĂ© un compañero de ayuda. "ÂżNo todos necesitamos a alguien?" “Eso no es exactamente lo que estoy diciendo. SĂ­, ninguno de nosotros quiere vivir solo. No podemos amar a Dios y no ...

A-Hunting We Will Go

Jeffrey B. Fuerst. Level: H Word Count: 138 Fiction Genre: Fantasy Skills You Can Teach Sight Word Vocabulary away behind better down help me run through want will Story Word Vocabulary brown fox green hat hear hurt sad song tear woods ...

Off To Pluto!: Phoenetic Sound (/Pl/, /Pr/)

... word that they find. Have the children help you separate the words into a list for each blend. Then have volunteers circle the letters that make that sound. Read each list together. Which list has the most words? Level: H Word Count: 180 ...

Pitch The Tent: Phoenetic Sound /T/

... word tent. Have children help you locate other words in print around the room with that same sound. You may wish to ... Level: H Word Count: 219 100th Word: time page 10 Tips for Reading this Book with Children: 1. Read the title and ...

Phonics Comics: The Fearless Four: Braced for Battle - Issue 2 Level 2

... words that are simple to sound out with fun , engaging stories designed to help develop strong reading skills . Level 1 Early Readers ‱ Easy - to - sound - out words ... H Written by Lynne Rickards Illustrated by Dave Semple Literacy Expert ...

Old King Cole

Level: H Word Count: 151 Fiction Genre: Fantasy Skills You Can Teach Sight Word Vocabulary a the asked was not were ... help yourself? ‱ Say the word slowly. What sounds can you hear? ‱ Look at the picture. What is happening? ‱ Does that ...

Simple Simon

Jeffrey B. Fuerst. Level: H Word Count: 167 Fiction Genre: Fantasy Skills You Can Teach Sight Word Vocabulary any eat ... help yourself? ‱ Say the word slowly. What sounds can you hear? ‱ Look at the picture. What is happening? ‱ Does ...

Phonics Comics: The Fearless Four - Level 2

... words that are simple to sound out with fun , engaging stories designed to help develop strong reading skills . Level 1 Early ... Level : H Level 2 Developing Readers Long and short vowels Varied consonant combinations Longer sentences ...

Strawberry Swing: A Children's Picture Book (LyricPop)

... song was the fifth single released from their classic album Viva la Vida . With lyrics by Coldplay and illustrations by Mitch Miller , Strawberry Swing tells a sweet story of friendship , encapsulating the innocence , fun , and struggle ...

Cat Mandoo: The Feline Who Flew

... that wasn't buckled . He smacked and whacked them back and forth . When the seat belts would swing , Cat Mandoo would jump up and ride on them . This sport kept him busy for quite some time , and he thought , Chapter 6.


The #1 "New York Times"-bestselling author of "Crank" returns with a gripping, masterful novel, told in verse, that weaves a riveting story about a teenage girl who is raised in a fundamentally religious yet abusive family.


Ellen Hopkins. Did you love this book? Want to get the hottest books free? Log on to to find out how you can get free books from Simon Pulse and become part of our IT Board, where you can tell US, what you think! I ...

The Secret Life of Prince Charming

... Amana Radar Range, which sounded like something they used to give away on old game shows. Jake opened the refrigerator. “Hey, look,” he said. It was completely empty except for a box of baking soda and a can of Coors. He held up the ...

Closer to Nowhere

... Ellen Hopkins Penguin supports copyright . Copyright fuels creativity , encourages diverse voices , promotes free ... books for every reader . G. P. Putnam's Sons is a registered trademark of Penguin Random House LLC . Visit us online at ...

What About Will

... Eighth Grade Bites . Well , it's actually a series— " I don't know what you're talking about . Finish eating , okay ? At least he quit yelling . We Toss Our Trash And start toward the exit closest 158 Now Will goes ballistic. ...

El viaje divertido

... de Cuentos fĂĄciles - para empezar a leer le resulten familiares, ya que las ... su propia vida. Al final de cada cuento, hay una lista de palabras que ... English language edition, entitled The Funny Ride by Margaret Hillert. Copyright ...

Notes From a Liar and Her Dog

... I take out the book I'm making for my real parents and I begin writing a letter to my real mom. Dear Real M om, This is what I would like to happen. I would like you ... kick ofi my shoes and get on the pinto horse you brought for me, and me ...

Scholastic Classics: Irish Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends

... CĂșchulainn, for he had the blood of the Tuatha DĂ© Danann god, Lugh, inside him. In his chariot, armed with spear and shield, CĂșchulainn set off to defend Ulster while her men were recovering from the Great Weakness. Maeve's army, over ...

A Series of Unfortunate Events #2: The Reptile Room

In the first two books alone, the three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, a lumpy bed, a deadly serpent, a large brass reading lamp, a long knife, and a ...

Charlie Numbers and the Man in the Moon

When sixth-grade mathematical genius Charlie Lewis is recruited to recover moon rocks taken from NASA's vaults, the Whiz Kids enter a paper airplane contest hosted by the suspect's company in this follow-up to Bringing Down the Mouse. 5 1/2 ...

The Fossil Hunt: Phoenetic Sound (Short /U/)

... Find words in the book that have the short u sound somewhere in the middle of the word. Level: E Word Count: 153 100th Word: was page 14 Tips for Reading this Book with Children: 1. Read the title and make predictions about the story ...

The Keysha Diaries, Volume One: Keysha's Drama\If I Were Your Boyfriend

... read— ing a book?” “Yeah, I see. She's reading The Coldest Winter Ever,” I an— swered. “Did you read it?” Toya asked. Toya didn't like reading nearly as much as I did. At times, especially when I'm feeling depressed, I'll go on a ...

A New Fear

No one can escape. Nora Goode and Daniel Fear hoped to end the curse of the Fear family. But on their wedding day, a horrible fire swept through the Fear mansion, taking the life of every member of the doomed family. Except one. A new Fear.

Fear Street Saga

The saga of the feud between the Goode and Fier families begins during the witch hunts in Massachusetts in the late seventeenth century.

The Stepsister

Six chilling Fear Street titles, ready for new readers!

Daughters of Silence

Summoning the dark powers of their family to bring back their dead daughters, Angelica and Simon Fear unflinchingly begin an act of black magic that calls for the sacrifice of two innocent girls.

The Burning

Daniel and Nora, two young lovers from feuding families, must use their forbidden love to stop the awesome evil that stalks Nora and her family.

The First Horror


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