author: sir william jackson hooker

Travels in the Island of Iceland: During the Summer of the Year MDCCCX

... assonance , thus sought for , was of a much more various and complicated kind ... alliterations , we may presume that it was not merely as a demonstration of ... raven is said to rejoice over the hard game of war ; -- a cloud of bloody ...

Botanical miscellany. Vol.1-3. [afterw.] The Journal of botany. pt.1, vol.2-4 [afterw.] The London journal of botany. Vol.1-7 [afterw.] Hooker's journal of botany and Kew garden miscellany. Vol.1-9. [Ed.] by W.J. Hooker

... destiny in their hands . " It is nonsense to dissemble . We may safely prognosticate the speedy annihilation of the ... clock next morning , and retraced our way to De Tait's , where , having rested till one o'clock , we mounted again ...

Exotic Flora: Containing Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare Or Otherwise Interesting Exotic Plants...with Remarks Upon Their Generic and Specific Characters, Natural Orders, History, Culture, Time of Flowering, &c

... Carolinea , white flowered 100 Polybotrya , viviparous 107 Catasetum ... Prescotia , Plaintain - leaved 115 Mrs Harrison's 120 Primrose , Palinurian ... Groundsel - like 101 tridentate 81 Trizeuxis , falcate 126 E INDEX . Plate 79 13 13 ...

Flora Scotica: or, a description of Scottish Plants, arranged both according to the artificial and natural methods

... E. B. t . 536 . HAB . Highland mountains , in rather elevated situations , not uncom- mon . Fl . July , Aug. 2 . Scarcely a span high . Leaves ... autumn , 2-3 in succession , springing from the bulb , with a very long ... leaves appear the ...

Flora Scotica; Or, a Description of Scottish Plants: Arranged Both According to the Artificial and Natural Methods. In Two Parts

... 1001 . HAB . Damp , clayey banks , sides of ponds , rivers , & c . , Lightf . , Hopk . 13. LEMANIA . Filaments torulose , bearing their fructification internally . Sporules beaded , collected into pencil - shaped tufts , and fixed to ...

The British Flora: Comprising the Phaenogamous Or Flowering Plants, and the Ferns

... leaves ternate , leaflets lan- ceolate lobed and cut , involucre similar to them petiolate , stem single - flowered , sepals 6 elliptical , point of achenes not feathery . E. B. ... autumn . Leaves thrice compound , with linear segments ...

The British Flora, Comprising the Phanerogamous, Or Flowering Plants, and the Ferns

... leaves as well as the involucre with doubly pinnatifid linear segments , flower inclined , sepals 6 , achenes with long feathery awns . E. B. ... autumn . Leaves thrice compound , with linear segments . Petals bright scarlet . 5. MYOSÚRUS ...

Curtis's Botanical Magazine

... vexior , sutura peripherica vix conspicue 2 - valvaris , ventre condylo * interno magno globoso foraminibus 2 prope hilum perforato instructa , 1 - locularis . Semen loculo conforme , meniscoideo - globosum , facie interna valde cavum ...

Kew Gardens: Or, A Popular Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew

... Maxims , alpha- betically arranged , surrounding every page . Concise and plain Directions for the Pronunciation of ... Latin Maxims , translated . Scripture Proper Names , accented for Pronunciation : with Latin Maxims , translated ...

Flora Scotica: or, a description of Scottish Plants, arranged both according to the artificial and natural methods

... 1001 . HAB . Damp , clayey banks , sides of ponds , rivers , & c . , Lightf . , Hopk . 13. LEMANIA . Filaments torulose , bearing their fructification internally . Sporules beaded , collected into pencil - shaped tufts , and fixed to ...

The English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith: Class XXIV. Cryptogamia

... eating raw mushrooms , seasoned with anise and caraway - seed along with their black bread , he resolved to try their effect himself , and that during several weeks he ate nothing but bread and raw fungi , as Boletus edulis , Agaricus ...

Muscologia Britannica: Containing the Mosses of Great Britain & Ireland, Systematically Arranged and Described; with Plates Illustrative of the Characters of the Genera and Species

... smooth . ( TAB . XXI . ) O. rivulare . Turn , Musc . Hib . p . 96. t . 8. Engl . Bot . t . 2188 , HAB . Rocks and streams . O. rivulare vies with O. striatum in size , but has the leaves shorter , obtuse , and the ciliary processes of a ...

Muscologia Britannica; containing the mosses of Great Britain & Ireland, by W.J. Hooker and T. Taylor

... smooth . ( TAB . XXI . ) O. rivulare . Turn . Musc . Hib . p . 96. t . 8. Engl . Bot . t . 2188 , HAB . Rocks and streams . O. rivulare vies with 0. striatum in size , but has the leaves shorter , obtuse , and the ciliary processes of a ...

Species Filicum: Gleichenia

... smooth . ( TAB . XXXIV . D . ) - Cav . Præl . 1801 , n . 687. Sw . Syn . Fil . p . 146. Willd . Sp . Pl . v . p . 425 . Hab . San Carlos de Chiloe , Cavanilles . Chiloe , Cuming , n . 3 and 18 . Woods , Valdivia , Bridges . Chronos ...

Species filicum, being descriptions of the known ferns

... smooth . ( TAB . XXXIV . D . ) — Cav . Præl . 1801 , n . 687. Sw . Syn . Fil . p . 146. Willd . Sp . Pl . v . p . 425 . Hab . San Carlos de Chiloe , Cavanilles . Chiloe , Cuming , n . 3 and 18 . Woods , Valdivia , Bridges . Chronos ...

The British Flora

... naked . Involucre hemisphærical , imbricated . Florets of the ray trifid ... Bot . t . 1229 ; Ed . Cat . p . 14 . serrate . Borders of fields and road ... naked.- a . racemes drooping . E. Bot . t . 1706 ; Ed . Cat . p . 2. ß . racemes ...

Icones Plantarum; Or, Figures,: With Brief Descriptive Characters and Remarks, of New Or Rare Plants, Selected from the Author's Herbarium

... fibrova- sali percursus . Cotyledones persistentes evolutæ 5-6 lin . long , 1 lin . latæ . Folia , cum petiolo , 4-14 poll . longa , exstipulata . Sepala minu- tissima oblonga v . lanceolata , persistentia . Petala 0. Stamina hypogyna 2 ...

Icones Plantarum: Or Figures, with Brief Descriptive Characters and Remarks, of New Or Rare Plants, Selected from the Author's Herbarium

... fibrova- sali percursus . Cotyledones persistentes evoluta 5-6 lin . longæ , 1 lin . latæ . Folia , cum petiolo , 4-14 poll . longa , exstipulata . Sepala minu- tissima oblonga v . lanceolata , persistentia . Petala 0. Stamina hypogyna ...

The London Journal of Botany: Containing Figures and Descriptions of ... Plants ... Together with Botanical Notices and Information and ... Memoirs of Eminent Botanists

... of Eminent Botanists Sir William Jackson Hooker. cent specimens of my new Viola ... heaven , it was just as wet from the dripping trees and rank foliage around ... Tab . DCXXVII , VIII ) , some of whose immense pinnatifid fronds measured ...

Companion to the Botanical Magazine: Being a Journal, Containing Such Interesting Botanical Information as Does Not Come Within the Prescribed Limits of the Magazine; with Occasional Figures

... Tab . II .. Adam's Peak , in Ceylon , Ascent of , by Mrs. Col. Walker , Tab . I. Page 20 Page Columbia , on its ... Asturias . 187 and 212 304 225 198 Memoir on Buchnereæ , Tab . XIX .. 356 Berkeley's , the Rev. M. J. , British Fungi ...

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