category: psychology

The Ideas-Informed Society: Why We Need It and How to Make It Happen

Why We Need It and How to Make It Happen Chris Brown, Graham Handscomb. Berlin (who also read Classics before becoming a great academic philosopher), and recorded by the latter: 'All of you, gentlemen, will have different careers -- some of ...

Experimental Design in Psychology: A Case Approach

... Experiment →. The goal of the scientific method, in general, is to understand, describe, and explain. We begin with an example that illustrates the rudiments of experimental design. Over 200 years ago, the Italian scientist Spallanzani ...

A Generation at Risk: Breaking the Cycle of Senior Suicide : Hearing Before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, Second Session, Washington, DC, September 14, 2006

... create an Older Adult Suicide Prevention Plan . I have provided each of you with a copy , in addition it is available on our website ( ) . Through a grant from the Centers for Disease ...

Approaching Consumer Culture: Global Flows and Local Contexts

... VALS model is 9 and in general this approach had reached no more than 15 or 16, Bulgarian microtrends according to Mineva amount to 40. Another equally important approach to the analysis of the new forms of consumer society comes from ...

The Psychology of Language: An Integrated Approach

... multisyllable words are treated by the language processing system as lists of syllables. If this is the case, you would expect to see primacy and recency effects in the repetition of multisyllabic nonwords, as in the fictional ...

Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century: Literate Connections

... RPG such as Diablo II has a specific vocabulary, one that can enhance the general vocabulary of the player. For ... relaxing most of the time if it's not ridiculously frustrating. It's challenging for one. I find if it's a little bit ...

Cognitive Psychodynamics as an Integrative Framework in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy

... cognitive deficits (Allison, Fagan, Morris, & Head, 2016). After having ... framework can be integrated into the broader framework of grounded cognition ... definition of symbolic structures in Chapter 9, Sect. 2.3. 4Conversely, a ...

Towards a Theory of Thinking: Building Blocks for a Conceptual Framework

The present book is the second volume of the Parmenides book series "On Thinking" dedicated to explore current approaches and contributions towards a fuller understanding of human thought processes.

Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society

... irregular past tense verbs ; namely the demonstration that regularly inflected verbs prime their stems whereas irregular verbs do not ( Marslen - Wilson , Hare and Older 1993 ; Stanners et al . 1979 ) . This result has been interpreted ...

Towards a Theory of Thinking: Building Blocks for a Conceptual Framework

The present book is the second volume of the Parmenides book series "On Thinking" dedicated to explore current approaches and contributions towards a fuller understanding of human thought processes.

Experienced Cognition

... activities ranges from about 0.3 seconds in reading (Carr, 1986) to about 0.6 seconds in other skilled activities ... succession of perspectives, we may experience a succession of objects from a single perspective established largely by ...

A Practical Guide to Theoretical Frameworks for Social Science Research

... Systems Theory Definition and Overview Ecological Systems Theory, sometimes referred to as Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory or Bioecological Systems Theory, is a multidimensional systems model for understanding learning and ...

The Psychology of Learning: An Introduction from a Functional-Cognitive Perspective

... definition of learning ( as changes in behavior that are due to environmental regularities ) allows us to organize ... cognitive framework as the organizing principle of this book . Much of the work that we have done over the years either led ...

Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

... cognitive neuroscience may be seen from more than one point of view. It is important to stay open until the evidence is beyond dispute. Table 2.3 suggests some possible brain regions for the cognitive framework ... definition. So does mental ...

Exploring Implicit Cognition: Learning, Memory, and Social Cognitive Processes: Learning, Memory, and Social Cognitive Processes

... (e.g., Me, Introversion vs. Others, Extraversion) and second (e.g. Others, Introversion vs. Me, Extraversion) combined ... Self-report personality measures are typically based on the degree to which respondents consider a series of short ...

Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Conference 2007

... CAP approach allows the transition of IHOs into the less abstract level of ... Table 1 shows a couple of implemented CAPs . Table 1 : Selection of CAPs and ... template ” ( SGT ) method . The SGT method extends the “ hierarchical task ...

Understanding Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis: Practical Applications

... swing cat without hitting a BCBAÂŽ in New Jersey – we have great special educators, we have speech and language pathologists, we have dedicated parents. We don't have time. Six hours a day for 240 days. Take out a lunch, take out time to ...

Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment

... NEPSY-II, CAS, and KABC-II. Keith Gsm Factor subtests are similar conceptually to NEPSY-II Memory and Learning, CAS Successive, and KABC-II Sequential/Gsm. The Keith Gv Factor subtests are similar conceptually to NEPSY-II Visuospatial ...

Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence

... WAIS-III for 16-year-olds WISC-III WAIS-III WAIS-III vs.WISC-III Difference r12b Subtest Meana SD Meana SD Vocabulary 10.0 2.6 10.3 3.0 0.3 0.83 Similarities 11.1 3.4 10.9 3.3 –0.2 0.68 Arithmetic 10.4 3.3 11.0 3.3 0.6 0.76 Digit Span ...

Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment

... DEFINITION OF LEARNING DISABILITY Jennifer T. Mascolo The WISC - IV and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Second Edition ( WIAT - II ) together measure a range of cognitive and academic abilities that are important to assess ...

Assessment with the WAIS-IV

... scoring guidelines in the Administration and Scoring Manual. How- ever, whenever you have any doubt about the scoring of a re- sponse, consult a colleague. In scoring queried responses, either those followed by ... Scores on WAIS-IV Subtests.

Psychological Assessment: A Problem-Solving Approach

... interpretive worksheet, 164f–165f subscales, 144t–148t summary of, 159 use of computerized interpretations, 166 ... WAIS-IV, 181 for the WJCOG, 183 o Other-awareness, in culturally competent assessments, 74–75 Overconfidence, impact on ...

Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Effective Instruction

... encoding , there are effortful , conscious forms of encoding , at least ... example of deep processing and encoding . Elaborative encoding produces ... Specificity Theory and Transfer - Appropriate Processing Accord- ing to the encoding ...

A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Fundamentals of Neuropsychological Assessment and Test Reviews for Clinical Practice

... version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 10(3), 225–232. Gagnon, G., Hansen, K. T., Woolmore- Goodwin, S., Gutmanis, I., Wells, J., Borrie, M., & Fogarty, J. (2013). Correcting the MoCA ... (2), 104 ...

Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, Tests, and Issues

... Achievement SLD is marked by dysfunction in learning. That is, learning is somehow disrupted from its normal course ... vocabulary knowledge [Gc]) develop largely as a function of formal ... Third Edition (WIAT-III; Pearson, 2009), the Woodcock ...

Essentials of WJ IV Cognitive Abilities Assessment

... interpretive approaches. Information is provided in different resources, including the 360+-page Technical Manual, the Examiner's Manual, the test easels, the Examiner Training Workbook (Wendling, 2014), and the multiple WJ IV ...

Comprehensive Evaluations: Case Reports for Psychologists, Diagnosticians, and Special Educators

... sentences of increasing length and complexity (Recalling Sentences) was Low Average. Kyle experienced considerable difficulty orally composing sentences when given a target word and picture prompt (Formulated Sentences), scoring ...

Handbook of Psychological Assessment

... symptom distress, interpersonal rela- tions, and relative satisfaction with social role. The Butcher Treatment Planning Inven- tory (Butcher, 1998) is a 210-item self-report inventory that assesses ... Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) 581.

The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology: An Evidence Based Practice Approach

... IV. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. Dorfman, W.I., & Hersen, M ... Interpretive Manual (Third Edition). New York: Pearson. Groth-Marnat, G ... WAIS-IVAssessment (Second Edition). New York: Wiley. Millon, T., Davis, R ...

Essentials of Processing Assessment

Milton J. Dehn. made is that the WISC-IV standard battery is measuring auditory ... IV Integrated battery discussed in Chapter 6. Additional Process Analysis ... interpretation of the WAIS-III, discussed previously in this chapter. Thus ...

Working Memory and Academic Learning: Assessment and Intervention

... IV Arithmetic subtest is primarily a measure of fluid reasoning. On the WAIS ... Interpretation of Memory Scores Similar to analyzing and interpreting results from ... Worksheet found in Appendix C. Related processes, such as processing speed ...

Essentials of Processing Assessment

As part of the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book provides information mental health professionals need to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioral healthcare environment.

Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness

... Josefine Mutzenbacher , or the History of a Viennese Whore as Told by Herself has a mock autobiographic structure typical of the numerous fictional accounts of the lives of prostitutes beginning at least as early as Moll Flanders ( or ...

Sigmund Freud and his Patient Margarethe Csonka: A Case of Homosexuality in a Woman in Modern Vienna

... English Literary Sexology : Translations of Inversion , 1860-1930 ( New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2009 ) , 1-20 ... Josefine Mutzenbacher oder die Geschichte einer Wienerischen Dirne von ihr selbst erzählt . 65 Kreis Regenwalde was ...

Step Back from the Baggage Claim: Change the World, Start at the Airport

... Samuel Adams restaurant in the Terminal C ticketing area of Boston's Logan International Airport. A Boston Celtics game was on TV, so I enjoyed the opportunity to relax, take in some hoops, and make small talk with the bartender. 50 ...

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